Sunday 18 May 2008

First Steps In Pyrography A Spiritual Approach

Hello again,

Pyrography is often used to make a wooden household item look more attractive. If you are an amateur just as I am, then sometimes it feels safer and easier to stick to simple designs on these kinds of items.

There is nothing wrong in developing your skills in this way and it may lead you eventually into areas such as furniture embellishment, decorative household signs or other house and garden wares to expand your business.

The way in which you use and develop your skill in Pyrography, depends upon your outlook. If you have already made a plan with goals to work towards, then great! This will go a long way to giving you incentives that you can progress towards and layered levels of achievement to help you on your way.

You may be a Pyrographer that is looking for an alternative way to develop your craft, one in which you will be able to inject 100% of your own personality and individuality into a piece of Pyrographic work. This concept appeals to me but where do you start?

I decided to try out an exercise to help awaken my ‘creative powers’ by tapping into my ‘spiritual subconscious’ as I wanted to explore new ideas for my Pyrography.

Why should I want to tap into this ethereal quality that we all have within ourselves? Opening deeper areas within the subconscious mind allows the freedom to explore and express feelings from past and present thoughts. It is like allowing yourself to open a gateway to your personal story of past experienced emotions.

Just as the wrinkles add to the character of a face, feelings and emotions combine with your memory to bring back remembered pictures full of sounds, movement, taste, touch, smell and the sight of many shapes and vivid colours.

You have the choice to release these emotional memories through writing, music, dance, drama or art as creative expression.

Once you have opened the gateway to your ‘spiritual subconscious’ you will find it easy to express your art, as it will flow out into a creation that is an expression of you as an individual. Your thoughts, feelings and emotional memories from the past and possibly of how you feel now and how you wish to feel in the future come to the surface.

As an artist, if you allow yourself to create with materials that feel right to you and colours that represent your deepest thoughts and emotions, then the possibilities for creative work are immeasurable and can be very challenging and exciting!

Next time:- A few ideas on how into tap your ‘spiritual subconscious’.

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